Thursday, October 31, 2019

Discipline Investigation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Discipline Investigation - Essay Example This discipline investigation helped me to understand the role of the project manager in an organization as a well as the requirements of the position. The paper will expand on the interviewee’s background, career path as well as his responsibilities and roles as a project manager in an organization. Interview Summary Background and Career Path The subject of the interview is called Dr Sridar, a senior project manager at Cisco Company. Dr Sridar has also taught at San Jose State University for over twelve years and worked for over six years at the Cisco Company. Initially, before joining the Cisco Company as project manager, Dr Sridar has served in various institutions. Sridar started as an ordinary employee in the company before working hard to attain an administrative position. Dr Sridar later became the assistant project manager in the company before becoming a full project manager. His past experiences gave him the required experience in dealing with issues that affect the project management department. ... Needed The 6 years experience in management position has proved to be effective in advancing Dr, Sridar’s experiences and competencies in his management roles. In his management responsibility, Dr. Sridar makes maximum use of past work experiences, skills, and competencies on information technology network management, Information technology project management and Information technology business intelligence. Dr. Sridar was motivated to work as a project manager in the Cisco Company by different conflicting reasons. To begin with, Dr. Sridar had over the years acquired adequate knowledge in business management. The management position in the Cisco Company gave Dr. Sridar an opportunity to do more research and learn more on business operations and management. Dr. Sridar is highly motivated by his desire to acquire more knowledge on information technology invention, and innovation. In his career path, Dr. Sridar’s interest to join Cisco Company as a project manager was mot ivated by his endless desire to work in a competitive and popular company in the country. However, despite being invited to work in big companies, Dr Sridar had a strong desire to work in the company. The interviewee’s current job was motivated by his personal initiative as well as his past knowledge and experience. Before joining the management position in the Cisco Company, one is expected to have certain essential skills, competencies, and experiences. A project manager in the Cisco Company is expected to have a post graduate degree in business management. The manager should also have the ability to conduct relevant and valuable research relevant in the company’s operations and goals. The Cisco Company’s project manager should have the interest and capability of arguing and thinking in a

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Romeo and Juliet and Different Writing Devices Essay Example for Free

Romeo and Juliet and Different Writing Devices Essay Shakespeare has been a very important writer in history because of his special way of writing. Throughout the ages, people have read his literature and taught lessons to the next generations from his writing. Shakespeare had morals and personal values, such as love. He used his special writing style to help people understand how he felt better. He also uses sonnets, or small poems, for specific topics. Love, Marriage, and Friendship are portrayed in Shakespeare’s sonnets through different writing devices that he uses to express himself. In Shakespeare’s Sonnet 30, he talks specifically about friendship- an important theme in his early work. In Sonnet 30 he says: â€Å"For precious friends hid in death’s dateless night†, meaning we should love our friends because we do not know when they will be dead. This is because he says â€Å"death’s dateless night†, meaning you don’t know when death will come. Basically he is saying that you should not worry about death but just enjoy the time you have with friends while they are still alive. This can be applied to many things from family to even pets. It is a deep thought but it is his way of staying happy even though death can be anywhere at anytime. Shakespeare’s Sonnet 55 focuses around the theme of love. Love played a big part of Shakespeare’s work from Hamlet to Romeo and Juliet. He was a romantic person but he used it to his advantage to create sadness or feelings of tragedy like in Romeo and Juliet. In the Sonnet he says â€Å"So, till the judgment that yourself arise, You live in this, and dwell in lovers’ eyes†. He means that before you die you should love the person you are with and always love them, because love is so important to happiness. The final Sonnet, Sonnet 116, focuses on Marriage. Since love and friendship is paramount to Shakespeare, so is marriage, since it’s like love combined with friendship. Shakespeare thinks marriage is sacred and if you love someone you should stay married to that person. In the sonnet he says â€Å"Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments. Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds†, meaning that love is not love if you try and change it. Also he says that it is an â€Å"ever-fixed mark† meaning it should last forever and you should not get a divorce. You can tell by how he writes that Shakespeare is a very romantic and caring person. He thinks love and friendship and marriage are crucial to humans, and that they all go hand in hand with each other. He uses love in most of his stories, not just the Sonnets and he knows that people catch on to the message he is sending. Everyone knows about Shakespeare, but most do not know how much he cares about things like love. He uses his style of writing to portray his views about love, friendship, and marriage in his Sonnets.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Gay marriage ethics

Gay marriage ethics Introduction The issue of civil rights for gays and lesbians, one in particular marriage; although many religious conservatives wish it would, will not go away. One of the reasons, for this is that the U.S. Supreme Court has struck down state anti-sodomy laws as unconstitutional and in light of the Michigan state Supreme Courts ruling that prohibiting marriage between same-sex couples violates their constitutional rights. Marriage has always been a huge part of human relationships. It is seen as the coming together of a man and a woman, the bonding two people together for emotional support, moral support and economic well being as well as the rearing of children. Most of society looks at marriage as a holy union of just one man and one woman. Does marriage have to be between just a man and women? This paper will examine both sides of the civil rights and moral dilemma that is facing the United States today. Identifying the Problem The issue of -gay marriage is one that has been very much in the forefront of public discussion in recent years, with states granting, then withdrawing marriage licenses to gay couples, wrangling over legislation as to whether to grant full marriage rights or establish domestic partnerships, and trying to come to grips with how to balance differing of public opinions on the subject, which are passionately at odds in some areas. Some believe that giving gay couples the full benefit of marriage will take away from the traditional marriage, while others feel they ought to have nothing less. Same-sex couples are denied their civil rights, such a making medical decisions for their partners in an emergency. Some of which have not been in contact with their families for years, hospitals are legally bound by state law to contact their next of kin for direction on issues pertaining to the health of the patient when their partner is right there. Even when wills and POAs (Power of Attorney) are made, they are sometimes fought by the family and overturned by a court. Is this right, morally or ethically? Married couples can not testify against their partner in a court of law, but gay partners do not get the same right. Another civil right is this fair? Clarify Concepts Giving way to legal acceptance to gay marriage would hurt society on a number of levels. First, legal identification of gay couples would legitimize morally wrong unions. Further,gay marriage would in the end fail marriage as the basis of an established society. Since gay unions cannot produce children through ordinary and proper procreation, such unions do not add to the survival of the human race. Furthermore, it is immoral to legitimize gay unions because it is not in the best interests of the children who might be adopted by gay couples. These children would be lacking of either the awareness of fatherhood or motherhood. Because cohabiting homosexuals can make use of various legal provisions to protect their rights, there is no need to allow gay couples the legal status of marriage, especially since such a change would threaten the common good. (Burns, 2002) There are many religious arguments and protests that are against gay marriage. Among these are the belief that gay couples are unnatural, marriage is sacred and a sacrament, the primary purpose of marriage is procreation, and marriage is defined as a union between a man and a woman. Many point to biblical scripture when arguing against gay marriage. Most religious opponents to gay marriage cite two passages from the Old Testament as proof of their point-of-view. The first of these is Leviticus 20:13: If a man lies with a man as one who lies with a woman, both of them have done what is repulsive. They must be put to death (Burns, 2002). Possible Solutions to the Problems Our society here in the United States needs to have more of an open mind when it comes to sexual preferences. The gay and lesbian community has been struggling for years for civil rights. We need to consider their right to be married whether in a civil ceremony or a church of their choosing. They should be allowed the same rights as any other American citizen. We should do this because it is the right thing to do. Our Pledge of Allegiance is under God with liberty and justice for all, not for who we choose. Religion should not dictate our morals or who should be allowed to marry. Civil liberties should dictate our morals and the quality of life for our people where we are all considered equal no matter what our religious, social, financial or political views are. We can also develop a Domestic Partnership into law for gay and lesbian citizens as another solution. This would allow homosexuals to be recognized as legal partners by each state and give them the same rights and responsibilities that heterosexuals have always claimed. Lets look at some of the arguments against gay marriage to see how they stand up. Solutions may be found by these by seeing that some of them just do not stand up..If the arguments do not make since then there must be a solution. Examine Assumptions and Points of View Opposition of gay marriage say that marriage is for the creation of children, if that is the case then why are couples that are infertile allowed to marry? Also should post menopausal woman and men who are impotent divorce because they can no longer procreate? How do they explain this? This does not make a good argument against gay marriage. (Bond,2008), Legalizing gaymarriagewould have a negative effect on the concept of monogamy in marriage. Homosexual advocates disagree that access to marriage will encourage gays and lesbians to conform to traditional monogamy in committed relationships. It is more likely that opening marriage to homosexuals will allow them to legitimize non monogamy, civil partnerships unrelated to sexual or romantic relationships, and polyamory (sexual relationships among more than two people). Without monogamy as a founding principle, marriage will no longer provide a stable and healthy setting for families and especially children to thrive. If gaymarriage is legalized, the institution of marriage will be deprived of monogamy and thus any hope of permanence.( Kurtz 2005) I believe that this is a fallacy based on scare tactics, somewhat like the Bush administration idea of going to war with Iraq. There have been legalized gay marriages in other states and other countries for years; would there not be news about polygamy and the non-monogamy because of gay marriage? The biblical passage in Corinthians 6:9-10 Do not be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanders nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God (Bible). After gaymarriage, what will become of marriage itself? Will same-sex matrimony extend marriages stabilizing effects to homosexuals? Will gaymarriage undermine family life? A lot is riding on the answers to these questions. But the medias impulsive labeling of doubts about gaymarriage as homophobia has made it almost impossible to debate the social effects of this reform. Now with the Supreme Courts ringing affirmation of sexual liberty in Lawrence v. Texas, that debate is unavoidable (Kurtz, 2005). Gay marriage causes offense to everything religion stands for. What or whose religion does this stand for? Christian religion yes it does and also Islam and Judaism, but a Buddhist sect in Hawaii does support the right of gay marriage (Bidstrup 2009). Gather Information The opposition of gay marriage is based on misunderstanding of what homosexuality really is. There are stereotypical views about gay relationships, that they are promiscuous, and cannot form a lasting relationship. I am sure that they are no different than straight relationships. We have promiscuous and lasting relationships. It sometimes human nature, especially among young people who are not ready to â€Å"settle down† its not based on if you are gay or straight. So what is marriage for? Modern marriage is, of course, based upon traditions that religion helped to codify and enforce. But religious doctrine has no special standing in the world of secular law and policy, the Christian nation crowd notwithstanding (Rauch, J 1997). If we want to know what and whom marriage is for in modern America, we need a sensible secular doctrine. Many people believe that gays have a choice in being who they are, and it is only about sex. They can choose to be with a member of the opposite sex if they want to be. Homosexually is based on mutual attraction, affection and love; the same as heterosexuals. It is no different than being white, black, or Chinese it is the way you are born. Gay marriage is morally wrong and violates the sanctified institution of marriage. This is said by the Bible. The United States and American law is supposed to be separate from the church; this is from one of our founding fathers Thomas Jefferson. Therefore it is not right for someone to use the Bible to say what is to be made into law (Bidstrup 2009).. Gay couples are not morally able to raise children but, it is morally right for child molesters, murders, and convicted felons are allowed to marry and create and raise children. Why are the same people who oppose these rights to gay couples not against this, it happens every day. There are not studies that have determined that gay couples raising children caused them any harm, Can the same be said be said by child molester? Moral Reasoning Gay marriage principles are, in my opinion, no different than those in a heterosexual marriage. They want the same thing in a marriage that anyone does that chooses a partner for life. Their values are the same, they are loyal to their partners, are monogamous. They participate in family life, committed to their neighborhoods and communities by making them a better place to live. They serve on their school boards, volunteer in the community, they are good citizens, just like their heterosexual counterparts, making their communities a better place to live (Bidstrup 2009). One of the benefits of the heterosexual society as well as the homosexual community for gay marriage is the participants are not involved in promiscuous sex. This slows down the spread of sexually transmitted diseases; by the way know no sexual orientations. I am a supporter on gay marriage, I believe in all equal rights for all people no matter race, gender, or sexual preference. I believe in the separation of Church and State. It should have no bearing on our laws and moral reasoning when it comes to making our laws; as long as our rights do not infringe on our fellow citizens rights. Most public officials place their hands on the Bible and swear to uphold the Constitution. They dont put their hands on the Constitution and swear to uphold the Bible (Bond J., 2008). I think that religion and scripture are used to keep gay marriage from becoming legal. Our government uses religion when they think it is necessary for their advantage. That is wrong. The Bible was written long ago, there are so many contradictions in it and I believe that it was meant for the time it was written in and for a specific people. In our society today there are several injustices that are more important that our law makers should be concentrating on than opposing gay marriage. Let us move forward. Consequences When and if gay marriage is passed they will receive the same benefits of heterosexual couples. They will enjoy the same contented lifestyle that a two income family has. In todays economic society it most often takes two incomes to keep up with the middle class. The social benefits will be sharing insurance benefits, healthcare, tax filing as a joint couple, joint ownership, and ability to make medical decisions for each other. Social Security, property inheritance, and family medical leave and military disability benefits are just a few more that heterosexual marriage couples have. The argument about homosexuals not being able to procreate, although partly true, lesbian can certainly procreate by artificial insemination, and that they could harm children by raising them shows no scientific evidence. Gay marriage would increase adoptions; there are many children that are in need of homes by loving parents and extended families. This would be a positive step for children that do not have a home. One of the most successful approvals for gay marriage is that they will no longer be second class citizens by being on the lower part of the social standing. The homosexual community should no longer have to be denied their equal civil rights. We are all created equal and that includes everyone, it is not based on our sexual preference. If gay marriage is legalized they will no longer be subjected to narrow-mindedness every day. Bidstrup, S. 2009, Gay Marriage, The Arguments and the Motives, Retrieved March 1, 2010. http// Bond, Julian. Opposing Same-Sex Marriage Discriminates Against Gays. Opposing Viewpoints: Discrimination. Ed. Jacqueline Langwith. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2008. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Baker College. 28 Feb. 2010 Burns, K. 2005 Congregation for The Doctrine of The Faith. Gay Marriage Should Not Be Legal. At Issue: Gay Marriage.. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Baker College. 28 Feb. 2010 Kurtz, Stanley. Gay Marriage Threatens Families. At Issue: Gay and Lesbian Families. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Baker College. 28 Feb. 2010 Rauch, J., Society Has a Compelling Interest in Allowing Gay Marriage, Current Controversies: Gay Rights, San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1997, Retrieved March 2, 2010, Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale, Baker College

Friday, October 25, 2019

Key Features of Lavertys Father and Son :: Bernard Mac Laverty

Describe the key features if a short story you have enjoyed, saying what has impressed you most about it. â€Å"Father and Son† is written by Bernard Mac Laverty. One of the main themes of â€Å"Father and Son† is the breakdown of a family relationship. A main feature of â€Å"Father and Son† is repetition and this feature helps to show the relationship between the father and son. Another feature is tones, each character reveals different examples of tones. The son has an aggressive tone, while the father has a caring and almost frail tone. These key features help the reader to enjoy the short story â€Å"Father and Son†. â€Å"Father and Son† helps to highlight the theme of family breakdown after the boss of a family member. This can be shown by â€Å"I love him so much it hurts but he won’t talk to me†. This shows the father tries to keep a close bond between them both. However, the son wants to create a large distance between them this maybe because of him growing up and wanting to become an adult. These helps most readers to relate to the characters and enjoy this book as most readers have been teenagers or are parents and can sympathize with their situation. This father and son relationship is very strained. A previous incident it is suggested that the son was close to death. The reader can pick this up with the quotation â€Å"Look, Da, I have not touched the stuff since I came back†. This helps to explain why the father has became so needy to be a part of his son’s life, because they have already lost a family member and almost losing his son scared him deeply, however this incidentally pushes his son further away. The father cares greatly for his son. The writer helps us to understand this by not naming the son. This encourages the repetition of â€Å"my son†, which shows the pride and love this father has for his son. This helps us to comprehend the pain the father feels about the distance in his relationship with his son. The pleasure of understanding and empathizing with the father helps us to enjoy â€Å"Father and Son†. The tone is very important in this short story as it helps to increase the knowledge of each character. The son, for instance, has a very aggressive tone as the reader may expect from a young frustrated man, an example of that is â€Å"I would like to slap his face and make a man out of him†.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Temple Dress and a Wedding Dress

A Temple Dress and a Wedding Dress For a woman, the day of her wedding is one of the most magnificent, best days of her life. No woman dreams to wear an ugly wedding dress on that very special day. And on that unforgettable day, a groom will see his wife-to-be as the loveliest and beautifully dressed woman in the whole universe. Of course, that kind of love and affection will not end on that day, Nonetheless, it is also vital that on that day, the bride should be a wearing a dress or a gown that will let her stand out.It is typically recommended for a bride to wear a modest wedding dress. In today's modern generation, it is valuable to keep the sacredness of a wedding; one way to do that is to let the bride and all the females included in the entourage to wear modern yet modest wedding gowns. When talking about a temple dress, it is somewhat different from the usual wedding dresses that people typically see today. This kind of dress is what a bride wears during a Mormon sealing weddi ng ceremony.This kind of Mormon ceremony has many similarities with a wedding; nonetheless, a Mormon bride is allowed to experience both a wedding and a sealing ceremony. In addition, not all Mormon couples have the right to go through a sealing ceremony; those couples who are permitted to do so are given a special permission by their church leaders. A Mormon bride may have freedom in choosing the kind of gown she wants to wear on her sealing ceremony, but she must keep in mind that the key to an appropriate temple dress is simplicity and modesty.Some specification or details of temple dresses include the following: it should be a white dress; the sleeves should be long; it must have a high neckline; and many other details. Whether in a church wedding or in a Mormon sealing/wedding ceremony, it is significant for the bride to be the model of modesty, real beauty, and simplicity on that sacred day. A wedding is holy and should be respected so wearing a modest wedding dress is one of the best things a bride can do on the day when she promises to give her love eternally. She does not only promise to her future husband but to the Superior one, most especially.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Causes and Symptoms of Spina Bifida essays

The Causes and Symptoms of Spina Bifida essays Research has shown that mothers who have some form of prenatal education, and who are cared for by qualified physicians, have significantly lower risk pregnancies. Education is a key factor in preventing possibly severe birth defects such as, "spina bifida." Each day an average of 11 babies are born with neural tubal disorders or NTD's like spina bifida, or anencephaly. "Ninety-five percent of neural tube defects occur in women with no history of neural tube affected pregnancies." NTD's can occur early in pregnancy, often before a woman even knows she is pregnant. "In September, 1992, based on randomized control trials and observational studies, the United States Public Health Service published a recommendation, stating that "all women of childbearing age in the United States should consume 0.4 mg of folic acid daily to reduce the risk of having a pregnancy affected by a neural tube defect." (The Spina Bifida Association of America 1). "Each year, 300,000 to 400,000 infants worldwide are born with spina bifida and anencephaly," (Oakley S116). If new mothers, and even young women in general, were more educated about how their diet, and actions effect their babies, the number of cases of NTD's would be greatly diminished. Spina bifida occurs when the spine fails to close properly during the first few weeks of pregnancy. "The central nervous system and spine develop between the 14th and 28th day after conception" (Bloom 79). "Spina bifida occurs when there is a failure of development of the boney canal which surrounds the brain and spinal cord. In the spine, the affected vertebrae have a defect posteriorly (at the back) so that a boney ring does not completely surround the spinal cord. This leaves a gap so that, instead of the posterior arm being whole it is divided - that is bifid. The fault may occur in one or more of the vertebrae but it is most common around waist-level," (Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus 1). People ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Family Crucible Essays

The Family Crucible Essays The Family Crucible Paper The Family Crucible Paper As I was reading The Family Crucible, I felt as if I was in the therapy session with Carl Whitaker. The book provides an excellent example of family structure, and how the system can quickly break-down. The book also provides a detailed account around family relationships, personal attitudes, values, and psychological existence that affect our everyday roles for example, the role of a spouse, friend, and family member (i. e. Sister, brother, parent). Carl Whitaker started off as a medical doctor OB/GYN to be exact. In 1938 Carl would take a job at a psychiatric hospital and develop a strong passion for the schizophrenic client and their family. He believed that the whole family system must be treated in order for symptoms to disappear (Napier, Whitaker, 1978). Carl Whitaker stated â€Å"family therapy was like exploratory surgery† (Napier et al. , 1978, p. 19). Carl Whitaker’s approach to the Brice’s family was very interesting especially the co-therapist approach. It’s kind of like two heads are better than one. The two therapists would not start the session unless all members of the system were present. At first, I thought the two therapist approach might appear to the client as a type of ganging up. However, reading on, I was able to see that having the two therapists where one would get close and personal to the issue at hand, while the other would stay professional and evaluate the issue from an outsider point of view, was an excellent way of approaching the whole system, and not singling out one member. The one technique that I did not agree with was the scapegoating. I cannot imagine how a child or even an adult might feel if they are put in the spotlight, meaning the one member that caused all the problems (Napier, Whitaker, 1978). I think that Whitaker’s approach is an excellent way of involving the family in the therapeutic process while teaching them the necessary skills to solve their own problems in the future. I think in response to diversity issue using this approach, one is not applying a specific intervention, but a direction to which the family will travel once the true issue is uncovered. The therapist puts control of the therapeutic process in the hands of the family. Whitaker stated â€Å"if people are really going to get deeply into therapy, they need to know that they can escape easily† (Napier, Whitaker, 1978, p. 33). I believe that Whitaker’s approach can be applied to most families’ cultural background, because ultimately it’s the family that is controlling the flow of therapy with the guidance of the two therapists. Reference Napier, A. Y. , Whitaker, C. (1978). The family crucible. New York, NY: Harper and Row.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Pros and Cons of Year-Round School

The Pros and Cons of Year-Round School Year-round school in the United States is neither a new concept nor an unusual one. Traditional school calendars and year-round schedules both provide students with about 180 days in the classroom. But instead of taking off much of the summertime, year-round school programs take a series of shorter breaks throughout the year. Advocates say the shorter breaks make it easier for students to retain knowledge and are less disruptive to the learning process. Detractors say the evidence to support this assertion is unconvincing. Traditional School Calendars Most public schools in America operate on the 10-month system, which gives students 180 days in the classroom. The school year typically begins a few weeks before or after Labor Day and concludes around Memorial Day, with time off during Christmas and New Years and again around Easter. This school schedule has been the default since the earliest days of the nation when the U.S. was still an agrarian society, and children were needed to work in the fields during the summer. Year-Round Schools Educators began experimenting with a more balanced school calendar in the early 1900s, but the idea of a year-round model didnt really catch on until the 1970s. Some advocates said it would help students retain knowledge. Others said it could help schools reduce overcrowding by staggering start times throughout the year.   The most common application of year-round education uses the 45-15 plan. Students attend school for 45 days, or about nine weeks, then take off for three weeks, or 15 school days. The normal breaks for holidays and spring remain in place with this calendar. Other ways to organize the calendar include the 60-20 and 90-30 plans. Single-track year-round education involves an entire school using the same calendar and getting the same holidays off. Multiple-track year-round education puts groups of students in school at different times with different vacations. Multitracking usually occurs when school districts want to save money. PeopleImages / Getty Images Arguments in Favor As of 2017, nearly 4,000 public schools in the U.S. follow a year-round schedule- around 10 percent of the nations students. Some of the most common reasons in favor of year-round schooling are as follows: Students tend to forget a lot during the summer, and shorter vacations might increase retention rates.School buildings unused in the summer are wasted resources.Short breaks provide time for students to receive enrichment education.Remediation can occur when it is most needed during the school year.Students get bored during the long break of summer.It gives families more options for scheduling vacations, rather than restricting travel to summertime.Other countries around the world use this system.Schools on year-round schedules can accommodate more students through multitracking. Rushay Booysen / EyeEm / Getty Images Arguments Against Opponents say year-round schooling hasnt proven to be as effective as its advocates claim. Some parents also complain that such schedules make it more difficult to plan family vacations or child care. Some of the most common arguments against year-round schools include: Studies have not conclusively proven the academic benefits.Students forget information just as easily with a three-week break as 10. Therefore, teachers on a year-round system end up with four periods of review instead of just one at a new school year.Summer programs such as youth camps suffer.Student summer employment becomes virtually impossible.Many older school buildings do not have air conditioning, making a year-round schedule impractical.Band and other extracurricular programs can run into problems scheduling practices and competitions, which often take place during the summer months.With multitracking, parents could have students at the same school on different schedules. School administrators considering year-round education should identify their goals and investigate whether a new calendar can help achieve them. When implementing any significant change, involving all stakeholders in the decision and the process improves the outcome. If students, teachers, and parents dont support a  new schedule, a transition could be difficult. Sources National Education Association staff. Research Spotlight on Year-Round Education., 2017. staff. Schools Without Summer Break: An In-Depth Look at Year-Round Schooling., 12 April 2017. Weller, Chris. Year-Round School is Booming but Its Benefits Are Overhyped., 5 June 2017. Zubrzycki, Jacklyn. Year-Round Schooling Explained., 18 December 2015.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Agency program for the elderly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Agency program for the elderly - Essay Example The service that is going to be discussed here is National Long-Term-Care Ombudsman Program. This program is supported by US Administration of Aging and is executed from Ombudsman Resource Center at National Citizens' Coalition for Nursing Home Reform at 1424 16th Street, NW, Suite 202, Washington, DC 20036. This is a joint funding program, where apart from the US Government, the local state governments and community agencies fund it additionally. Separate addresses are there for all state units, with the most common location being the State LTCOP in the State Unit of Aging. Information about them can be accessed at ttp:// or or (LT-COP).As the word Ombudsman indicates, the state Ombudsman works in the area of the long-term care of the elders, where he serves as a trained advocate to protect the health, safety, welfare, and rights of the residents of nursing home, board and care facilities, and the assisted living facilities. The residents of all these facilities are aged, and many of them are frail and most often isolated from their communities. Very often while under care, these resident's rights have a chance to be violated, the quality of care may not match with the required standards, and therefore, their quality of life may not be attained that it is supposed to be attained. In fact literally, this program has been designed to investigate citizen's complaints against local or national government agencies that may be infringing on the citizen's rights. This term, ombudsman means friends who can provide information, advice, and guidance (Capezuti, EA., Siegler, EL., Mezey, MD, 2007). With an aim to review and improve the care processes, these officials facilitate change at local, state, and national levels. Numerous volunteers and paid staff employed in a long-term basis, regularly visit long-term care facilities to monitor care, observe the interactions between the staff and the residents, evaluate the physical environment of the care facility, and act as advocates for the residents who are more vulnerable due to lack of family, cannot speak, or are unable to speak for themselves. To be able to do this, each state designates a long-term care ombudsman who is responsible for developing a state-wide program in order to investigate, identify, and submit complaints on behalf of the residents. Typically, regionally they are located in area agencies on aging, but many of them are sponsored by private programs or legal agencies. The program, therefore, comprises of the work responsibilities of the ombudsman. As opposed to the conventional concepts, they are not surveyors or regulators. They are supposed to identify and solve the problems with care of the elderly in the care facilities. Hence, their role can be to identify and resolve the problems on behalf of the residents. Ideally, the OAA described roles include representation of the interests of the residents before government agencies. If the residents' interests are hampered in any way, they, through this program, are entitled to seek administrative, legal, or other means for redressal of the grievances and issues. The care home residents are consumers, and they have valid consumer rights. This program also facilitates consumer education, and thereby, they also serve as agents of facilitation of public comments on laws, policies, and, actions. This program, through the ombudsman, also seeks to provide technical supports for new or ongoing resident and f amily councils. Perhaps, the most important aspect of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 22

Case Study - Essay Example be 250days with the total cost for the project being only $1,265,556.20 and an estimation of an increase in the total revenue for the company of between 10-12%. In this memo find attached Gantt chart with a time-line for the completion of the project and the critical path. From the attachment, you will also find our estimated activities with the greatest slack while at the same time a description of the sensitivity network with the points with the milestones and a comparison and contrast of Gantt chart versus a network diagram and a comparison with a schedule table. From the critical path analysis of our diagram, it is evident that the activities falling on the critical path include the Market analysis, Product design, Product design selection and Detailed Product design. Additionally, the other activities will include Test prototypes, the Finalized Product design, the Order production equipment and lastly celebrate. Sensitivity has been defined as the likelihood of the critical path remaining stable during the project completion. Network sensitivity is determined by both the amount of slack non-critical activities and the number of different critical paths. From our analysis, it is evident that the network is not very sensitive since there is only one critical path with the free slack ranging from 20 days to 159 days. The different milestones of the project include product design selection and the finalized product design. The fact that product design selection has multiple predecessors and multiple successors makes it a milestone (MilosÃŒÅ'evicÃŒ , 2003). The project design selection facilitates the narrowing down of the various options to pursue the project to work on. One of the major advantages attributed to the schedule table is its ability to clearly show the total time for the completion of the project and the fact that it clearly indicates the times for late start, late finish, and free slash of each (Timmreck, 2003). The main disadvantage attributed to

Why internet gambling prohibition will ultimately fail Essay

Why internet gambling prohibition will ultimately fail - Essay Example They argue that the introduction of internet and telecommunication development will be an issue for concern regarding more problematic gambling. They view that nations acknowledge the potential dangers of internet gambling, but they fail to understand the dynamics of such dangers (Parke and Griffiths 2004 p. 298). The congress has passed laws prohibiting internet gambling but a study have shown that US citizens represent between 50% to 70% gambling customers worldwide thus making the enforcement of blanket internet gambling prohibition more difficult . Griffith stipulates that the introduction of the Wire Act, which prohibits any gambling business to accept any bet, has also failed in its own way. Although there have been prosecutions under the act, it has presented discrepancies over its application. The phrasing of the law has seen different interpretation among courts while others perceive that it only applies to interactive wagering. This provides loopholes in the Wire Act thus preventing the prohibition of internet gambling. The use of electronic cash has also proved to be a major hindrance in the prohibition of internet gambling. During transactions, various codes are used to identify internet-gambling activity. The codes cannot be used to differentiate between legal and illegal internet gambling activities, as they do not provide enough information. The recent technological migration and advancement has proven to be a major hindrance in the internet gambling prohibition. The innovation and generation of new gadgets which are more lenient on providing discrepancies in control of internet gambling have rendered its prohibition more to fail than succeed. The enacted laws have also proven not efficient since they are open to discussion and are interpreted in more ways that are different by various institutions. The nature of gambling businesses to hide their information is also a major hindrance in internet gambling

Case study - knowledge management strategy Essay

Case study - knowledge management strategy - Essay Example The key emphasis is on the sustainable environmental management intention of MOTO. The raw information on environment friendly strategies from the staff of different nationalities is ensured to be collected and scientifically analyzed by the proposed knowledge management system. The proposal also covers the peculiar measures to be taken so that the knowledge is stored and retrieved as per the requirements. The market performance of the company, the staff participation, their consensus, cost factor, time factor and the conceptual adherence with the key policies of the company are other key factors which have to be taken care of during the implementation process. While considering the formulation of strategies, a sustainable approach has been followed in each level of the implementation. The company’s responsibility towards the environment and the society has been well understood and addressed. The technologies recommended for knowledge management within the environment of MOTO is thus environment friendly and community oriented. Latest innovations in the knowledge management systems which uphold these values have been carefully selected. To formulate the strategy for the change process, it is important to review the background information on the company pertaining to its policies and past performance. MOTO, all through its 35 years of market records, have stayed true to the ethical side of business while having excellent sales performance. The company has always maintained promising employment conditions. The corporate social responsibility always had been a priority for the company. MOTO has developed a work environment which is quire friendly with the environment. The paper free work procedures, the recycling procedures, waste management strategy, sustainable utilization of resources, compliance with environmental policies all has helped the company to have a responsible approach towards the environment. Despite the increased efforts, the production

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Macroeconomics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Macroeconomics - Research Paper Example The fiscal policy should be used because it leads to increase in disposable income that translates to increase in demand for goods. It also leads to creation of employment translating to increase in consumption rate. Increase in demand eventually leads to enhanced economic growth (Sullivan & Sheffrin, 2003). Expansionary Fiscal Policy entails the government efforts to raise the aggregate demand. It thus involves raising the government expenditure and lowering taxes. This will have the effect of increasing the Aggregate demand and eventually lead to increased rate of economic growth. This can be illustrated by the equation and the graph shown below: (AD=C+I+G+X-M). This policy will also lead to the multiplier effect. When the government spends more, this money is transferred to the people. This means that when a person receives some money, he will spend part of it and maybe save the rest. The money will be transferred to another person who also does the same. Lowered taxes will increase the levels of disposable income which translate to extra spending and eventually higher economic growth. The multiplier effect has significant advantages to the growth of the economy because it leads to creation of employment and increased consumption (Gavel, 2012). When the government increases its expenditure, it implies that there is more activity both in the private and public sector leading to creation of jobs. For instance, if the government decides to spend more on the construction of roads, it means that more employees will be required in offering skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled labor (Gavel, 2012). It also implies that the new projects will require materials from different suppliers who have to raise their production levels. The raised production levels will need extra labor and more people will get jobs. As mention above, the multiplier effect leads to money reaching more people within the economy. These

Events studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Events studies - Essay Example Yet, it is clear that the use of social media in the events industry results to immense benefits in advertising and efficient communication to the target customers. This research paper gives a detailed analysis of the use of social media in the events industry by looking into various studies that have been conducted across the globe. A recent study that was done by the Sheraton Hotels and Resorts revealed that most people consider social media to be an imperative aspect in their lives that they cannot do without. The same survey found an interesting fact that people are never truthful on what the post on various social media sited. This shows that there a clear line between members of the public and event companies who rely on social media to get honest feedback from their customers (Safko, 2010:15). Besides the simulated reality of social media, events bring individuals together. This is the most important duty that is performed by events professionals. The events industry is highly mobile and social and perfectly suited for various for the transformation that has taken place since the inception of Web 2. 0. Additionally, the second generation social media tools have resulted to the establishment of a better platform for promoting, communicating, collaborating and planning events. It is important to note that Web 2.0 paved the way for the social media applications that are present in the current times (Bruns, 2010:310). In spite of the fact that impact of the use of social media tools has not been fully understood, most event companies use the various social media tools. It is clear that the use of social media tools has increased in the current times. Various social media tools are used for online ticket as well as advertising. Findings from an online survey that was conducted on 1000 event organisers and promoters from various parts of the world including South America, Austria, North America, Switzerland and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Case study - knowledge management strategy Essay

Case study - knowledge management strategy - Essay Example The key emphasis is on the sustainable environmental management intention of MOTO. The raw information on environment friendly strategies from the staff of different nationalities is ensured to be collected and scientifically analyzed by the proposed knowledge management system. The proposal also covers the peculiar measures to be taken so that the knowledge is stored and retrieved as per the requirements. The market performance of the company, the staff participation, their consensus, cost factor, time factor and the conceptual adherence with the key policies of the company are other key factors which have to be taken care of during the implementation process. While considering the formulation of strategies, a sustainable approach has been followed in each level of the implementation. The company’s responsibility towards the environment and the society has been well understood and addressed. The technologies recommended for knowledge management within the environment of MOTO is thus environment friendly and community oriented. Latest innovations in the knowledge management systems which uphold these values have been carefully selected. To formulate the strategy for the change process, it is important to review the background information on the company pertaining to its policies and past performance. MOTO, all through its 35 years of market records, have stayed true to the ethical side of business while having excellent sales performance. The company has always maintained promising employment conditions. The corporate social responsibility always had been a priority for the company. MOTO has developed a work environment which is quire friendly with the environment. The paper free work procedures, the recycling procedures, waste management strategy, sustainable utilization of resources, compliance with environmental policies all has helped the company to have a responsible approach towards the environment. Despite the increased efforts, the production

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Events studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Events studies - Essay Example Yet, it is clear that the use of social media in the events industry results to immense benefits in advertising and efficient communication to the target customers. This research paper gives a detailed analysis of the use of social media in the events industry by looking into various studies that have been conducted across the globe. A recent study that was done by the Sheraton Hotels and Resorts revealed that most people consider social media to be an imperative aspect in their lives that they cannot do without. The same survey found an interesting fact that people are never truthful on what the post on various social media sited. This shows that there a clear line between members of the public and event companies who rely on social media to get honest feedback from their customers (Safko, 2010:15). Besides the simulated reality of social media, events bring individuals together. This is the most important duty that is performed by events professionals. The events industry is highly mobile and social and perfectly suited for various for the transformation that has taken place since the inception of Web 2. 0. Additionally, the second generation social media tools have resulted to the establishment of a better platform for promoting, communicating, collaborating and planning events. It is important to note that Web 2.0 paved the way for the social media applications that are present in the current times (Bruns, 2010:310). In spite of the fact that impact of the use of social media tools has not been fully understood, most event companies use the various social media tools. It is clear that the use of social media tools has increased in the current times. Various social media tools are used for online ticket as well as advertising. Findings from an online survey that was conducted on 1000 event organisers and promoters from various parts of the world including South America, Austria, North America, Switzerland and

Victorian women Essay Example for Free

Victorian women Essay How does Thomas Hardy portray Bathsheba Everdene And Fanny Robin as typical representatives of Victorian women? Hardy uses this novel to express his prolific writing style, which involves introducing his characters slowly as the play goes on. He explores the characters and their influences and participation in the plot with intense detail. Far from the madding crowd is written in a Victorian pastoral setting, hence the way he portrays the characters as typically Victorian with powerful detail especially the women in particularly Bathsheba Everdene and Fanny Robin. Hardy can be seen in this novel to be recreating a local, ageless atmosphere often of a period before his birth or his early years and this sensitive, detailed, vivid breathing of life into a rural setting seems to be an essential factor in his thoughts and feelings when writing. Bathsheba Everdene is a beautiful woman who seems to control and dominate large parts of the play but at times being particularly arrogant and impetuous towards other characters and as the central role in the play, Hardy has manipulated her around the other characters very well. Bathshebas interaction with the other characters seems to have an effect on Fanny Robins participation in the play because of Hardys attempt to portray them both as typical representatives of Victorian women. She quickly becomes the central character by inheriting and learning to run a farm in Weatherbury where the play is situated. Hardy early on begins to introduce Bathshebas awareness and possibly fear of marriage and what that could do to affect Bathshebas status and profile within the village. Gabriel Oaks conversation with Bathsheba shows her to be perhaps an unpredictable, spirted young woman who has never been in love. The two discuss marriage with remarkable frankness. Bathshebas egocentric personality is exposed when she admits that she would delight in the prospect of having all the trappings of marriage such as a piano, pets and her own carriage and a spectacular ceremony however, she objects to having a long life husband and losing her freedom. Gabriels proposal to her of marriage is an emotionally intense conversation, which is why Hardys attempt to portray Bathsheba as typically Victorian was directed away exposing a different side to Bathshebas character. Gabriel: I can make you happy. You shall have a piano in a year or two, farmers wives are getting to have pianos now, Ill practice my flute right well to play with you in the evenings. Bathsheba: Yes, I should like that Gabriels hopes are built up as Bathsheba unveils her excitement at the prospect of marriage however; the realisation that this will never happen sets in. No, tis no use, I dont want to marry you. For a marriage would be very nice in one sense. People would talk about me and think I had won my battle and I should feel triumphant and all that. Her battle is one that she feels she needs to win to maintain her high profile status and leading female role within the village. She feels that to win her battle against society she needs to get married and therefore she can be triumphant once again. She explains that since a woman cannot win her battle by showing off the delights of a marriage and a wedding without having a husband then she cannot be triumphant by getting married, except not yet. While Bathsheba seems a bit shallow, her self-determination and powerful quest for success are commendable, and she remains a sympathetic yet surreal character. Hardy has manipulated Bathsheba so much that she has unusually selective characteristics whilst simultaneously attempting to convincingly portray her as typically Victorian without hindering Fanny Robins character so much as to effectively ruin it. Fanny Robin is a young orphaned servant girl at the farm who runs away the night Gabriel arrives in the village. With Fannys character, Hardy has chosen to use her to such an extent that she has become what is perhaps the most emotionally unstable character in the entire story and by doing this, he has attempted to manipulate her along with Bathsheba to portray them as typical Victorian representatives. She has an interesting but bleak role in the story but has a surprisingly significant effect on some of the major scenes without exposing her self as a particularly dominant or socially intractable character. She attempts to marry sergeant troy early on in the play and then ends her participation in the play by tragically dying whilst giving birth to his child. She is a foil to Bathsheba, showing the fate of women who are not well cared for in this society. Fanny robin is linked instantly with troy, has been helped kindly farmer Boldwood and has been the youngest maid in Bathsheba newly taken household, yet has a surprisingly unconvincing character compared with Bathshebas powerful dominance throughout the story. Fannys initial radiant excitement, her recent dejection, her memorable conversation with troy and her fatal error of mistaking the church for her marriage with troy all form a pathetic, wretched background to her unmistakably emotional and fragile character.

Monday, October 14, 2019

History and development of child adoption

History and development of child adoption Introduction From the world â€Å"child adoption†, child means a young person of either sex, whether by birth or by adoption. While â€Å"adoption† mean the act or process of adopting a person â€Å"child adoption† means the legally act or process of making another person’s child part of your family so that he or she becomes one of your own children. Most of the adoption cases involved potential pool of adoptive parents who women are infertile. While others involve family planning where they decide not to be pregnant. Nevertheless, public will commonly ask is it necessary for the adoption to take place? Is child adoption an alternative to abortion and single parenting? Does adoption heal the child from severe abuse and neglect he/she faced in the biological family? Should child adoption be encouraged? Therefore, this research paper will be giving a view of the history of child adoption, types of child adoption, conditions that should fulfilled for child adoption, facto rs lead to the increase in child adoption, advantages and finally conclude on the disadvantages of child adoption. History of child adoption The kind of adoption as we know nowadays did not exist a hundred and fifty years ago. The kind of adoption in those days usually means a child moved in with relatives, or a child lived with an unrelated family in exchange as a labour. In these two situation, the adults who â€Å"adopt† the children did not legally become the children’s parents. Such kinds of adoption were often not long lasting, the â€Å"adopted† children were not expected to be threaten as biological children by the adoptive parents. However, after centuries of evolution, adoption had became a more and more formal arrangement, well-planned and have to go through legal process. By the end of the nineteenth century, most country had required that various legal steps to be taken before the adoption cases can be proceed. Examples of action included going in and out of the adoption agencies, an official surrender by the birth parents, issuance of an adoption decree by a judge, even consultation to b oth adoptive parents and birth parents if needed. (Currie.S, 1997) Now, child adoption have become a trend which was encouraged by many country as there are lots of advantages gain by the children and adoptive parents even the birth parents, though there are still disadvantages being sound by some parties. Types of child adoption Transracial adoption Transracial or transcultural adoption is a type of adoption where the adoptive parents adopt a child who come from a different races or ethic group. LGBT adoption LGBT adoption refers to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual adoption. These is a special type of adoption where many country still arguing on its legalization. As LGBT are against the nature law. But currently, nine European countries allow LGBT adoption, these country are Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Iceland, Norway, the Netherlands, the U.K., and Sweden. (Crumley. B 2008) Single parent adoption A single parent adoption occurs when single men and women who have decided to become parents without marry with another person. They want to have the opportunity to provide a loving permanent home for a child. A reason why single parent adoption occurs is a successful, independent single man or woman does not want to give up his or her freedom and assume the responsibilities of raising up a child. International adoption A international adoption occurs when single parent or couple from a particular country planning to adopt a child from another country. This type of adoption usually gone through an adoption agency. Sometimes, the adoptive parents do not even meet with the adopted child until the adoption processes were done. Eligibility criteria that should fulfilled for child adoption In Australia, adoption is bind by the Adoption Act 2000. According to the act, a person or couple who interested in adoption a child must fulfilled the following eligibility criteria: Parenting A person who wish to become an adoptive parents, should ensure that himself/herself can raise up a child who does not share the same biological and perhaps cultural heritage as himself/ herself. They also have to ensure that the adopted child is fully aware of their life story including information about birth family and culture of their own origin. Besides that, they also have to accept and try to understand the situation where adopted child may seek to clarify their identity when reach adolescence stage. According to Eleanor,H,A (1997), adoptive parents should treat the child as a real member of the house hold, never treat them as a outsider. Personal Characteristics Adoptive parents are expected to retain health and vigour to raise a child until adulthood. This is very important as when the child reach adolescence stage, where this stage is very particular, the adoptive parents should have enough energy to take care of them. Their physical and psychological health should not interfere with their ability to take care their adopted child until a particular stage where they can take care of themselves. Reputation A person or couple have to be of good repute. According to the law, whoever has a record of violence, sexual assault, emotional abuse or a crime against a child will disqualify them from adopting a child. Current statistical information on child adoption According to AIHW (2007), in year 2005 till 2006, there were 576 adoption cases occurred in Australia, a 2% decrease if compared to the statistic made in a year before. Referring to figure 5.1 below, clearly shows that almost three-quarters of the adoption cases were intercountry or known as international adoption, 16% were â€Å"known† adoptions and 10% were local adoptions. While refers to figure 5.2 below, it shows that the majority of adopted children were aged younger than 5 years(76%), with more than half of these aged less than 1 year. Females are generally more than males adoptee with 55% compared to 45%. According to the statistic report, the number of adoptions is different in all the states and territories. States with larger populations for example New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland has the highest number of adoptions, but lowest rate of adoptions per 100,000 population. Rates of adoptions were highest in Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and Tasmania. Factors leading to child adoption To overcome infertility. Infertility is the state of being unable to produce offspring. For a woman it is an inability to conceive; while for a man it is an inability to impregnate. For this cases, couples usually choose to adopt a child though there are plenty of other treatment such as drug therapies hormone therapy, surgical intervention, intra-uterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), gamete intra-fallopian transfer (GIFT) and others as the cost for these treatments are not low. For the less capable family, they will choose to adopt. Thought adoption cannot solve the problems associated with infertility, it will provide the infertile couple with the challenges and rewards of loving and being loved by a child. (Fertility Today, 2008) 6.2 Poverty Poverty is defined as the state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions. In some cases, parents succumb to sickness, and they are unable to work, thus providing no financially support to their children. If there are some savings, they have no choice but goes towards health care costs. As a results, they have ignored their children’s needs, such as school fees and clothing. (Global Action For Children Organization, 2008) According to Currie,S. (1997), report shows that there were five million homeless and abandoned children living in India alone just because of poverty. Though the report was made in 1987, but the number of homeless children at that particular time had already reached a serious stage. India as the second populous country in the world, for sure, the number of homeless children is even more now. 6.3 Orphans and Vulnerable Children ( OVC) According to the statistical number made by the Global Action For Children Organization (2008), there are 143 million children in the developing world have lost one or both parents. 20million children will be orphaned by HIV/AIDS alone by the year 2010. Children who faced this kind of situation must often leave their family and may not accepted by extended family members. Besides that, children may be orphaned by some other reasons such as natural disaster. In the article written by Unmesh. K (2008), posted in Time Magazine, tens of thousands of children have been either separated from their parents or orphaned, caused by the killing tsunami on 2005. The most update one is the earthquake disaster happened in china on 12th of May 2008, had caused an estimated of 4,000 children became orphans. According to Wendy.K(2008), adoption agencies are receiving a surge in phone calls from people who want to adopt Chinese children who were orphaned by the deadly earthquake happened in SiChuan, C hina. Thus, for the above cases, the most suitable â€Å"treatment† for this kind of children is to put them under adoption. There is always someone who care about them and adopt them as one of their family members. Advantages of child adoption Adoption benefits everyone in the adoption triad. Many of these benefits are helpful to the birthmother and birthfather. Other benefits are directed at the child who is being placed for adoption and/or the adoptive parents Adoption brings a positive ending to a challenging situation and benefits everyone involved. I will discuss about the advantages of adoption for the birthparents, the adoptive parents and the child.parents and the child. Giving the child a better life According to Currie,S. (1997), child adoption can save a child from a bleak future. This is clearly means that adoption can give a neglected or orphaned child a better life. As some parent cannot afford to give child a good life due to many reasons such as poverty, or some disease such as AIDS/HIV(Global Action For Children Organization, 2008). The cannot afford to give their child education, good staying environmental or even have no ability to feed their children. Thus, putting their child for adoption is the best way to save their child as adoption provides the love and support of adoptive parents who are emotionally and financially ready to the child. Adoptive parent can also give the child a warm home and greater probability of good educational resources that they may not receive from the biological parents. Orphaned child such as in the case of China earthquake can get an opportunity to live normally. (Wendy, K 2008) Fulfilling birthparents and adopting parent’s dreams Through child adoption, couple who faced infertility problems can fulfill their dream of having a child. (American Pregnancy Association 2000). In the case of China family, who are bind to the one child policy, family can fulfilled their dreams of having a male child through adoption too. Reducing world population Adoption can also reduces the world population. Through adoption, couples who does not want to contribute to the increasing in world population can choose to adopt a child. There is always the adoption agency around the world which can help in the adoption cases. 7.4 Financial assistance offered to adoptive parents According to Cullen, L.K. (2007), some companies in U.S adoption assistant, it found that $4700 is offered on average per adoption and about double that if a child has special needs. Companies also giving worker an average of five weeks of paid parental leave. Disadvantages of child adoption If there are advantages, for sure there are also disadvantages. Child adoption may brings some negative impact for all parties. Pressure and mental stress In the process of adoption, children may feel stress. According to Unmesh.K (2008), orphaned children in the tsunami disaster who are placed for adoption may suffering from both physical and psychological trauma after seeing their family member drown in the terrible disaster. They cannot keep themselves out from the nightmare, thus usually being diagnosed with a behavior or emotional problem after the adoptions. For older children in the case of international adoption and transracial adoption, will be harmed by being separated from their original culture. According to Currie, S (1997), children are â€Å"whisked away in cars to arrive at strange houses full of objects they’ve never even imagined†. They have to learn the ways of a new culture, meet people of different races, learned new language, which can be extremely difficult. According to Levy-Shiff, R.(2001), adopt a child at a older age will increase the risk for maladjustment, as the child having difficulties in adapting to the adoptive family. While for the adoptive parents, according to Palacios, J. (2006), adoptive parent who adopted a special needs children, children who have undergone difficult institutional experiences, will exhibit a higher stress. Besides that, adopt more than one child is also said to be correlated with stress. 8.2 Stress faced by grown up children According to Fertility Today Organization (2008), when reached a particular stage such as adolescence, children often feel curious about those who play important roles in their lives. Usually, adoptive children will want to know about their biological roots. When a adopted child â€Å"accidentally† found out that he/she is adopted, meanwhile his/her adoptive parents have been dishonest to him/her, he/she may might feel upset or abandoned. Thus, its very important to let adoptive child has a clear picture about his/her personal birth origins hence a better self-esteem can be build. Yet researches at the University of Minnesota have found that a small minority of adoption children, about 14% are diagnosed with a behavioral disorder or have contact with a mental health professional as adolescents. (Kingsbury, K. 2008) Conclusion We know that children require nurturing environments to thrive today and to have promising prospects for tomorrow. Common sense, confirmed by my research, tells that children who are neglected or orphaned by certain reason will do best if removed from the bleak and placed permanently with families where they will receive the kind of nurturing likely to help them removed from their situation. Thus, it is clearly stated that child adoption has more advantages than disadvantages, and child adoption should be strongly encouraged ignoring the little disadvantages.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Policy :: essays research papers fc

If Western diplomacy has a role to play it will have to be discreet and carefully considered, always bearing in mind that the governing rule of diplomats, like that of doctors, must be ‘first, do no harm’. ( Monteagle) This thought, taken form The Clash of the Civilizations article, succinctly puts forth the ideas that I, as a diplomat learned throughout the Nations Game simulation. Diplomacy carries out the policy that nations have set. In order to carry out policy diplomats must use tactics and strategies within prescribed guidelines. The primary tool, which was most often used during the nations simulation, was negotiation. Most diplomacy is secret, though results are usually made public. The goal of diplomacy is to further the state’s interests without causing resentment. Diplomacy is an alternative to war to achieve a nation’s goals. Its weapon is words. Diplomacy may employ persuasive threats, but is usually peaceful. ‘Diplomacy seeks to strengthen the state, gaining advantages and allies while neutralizing its opponents. Thus, it tries to create good will toward the state it represents† (Britannica). The role of diplomacy during the nations simulation was very important. Envoys had to be shrewd. In order to further ones country, the diplomat had to know exactly what they needed and not back down. For example, the country of Libertania decided early on that it must concentrate on point totals. Political alliances were of secondary importance to them. Press releases were less focused on good will toward other countries, but more on setting up trade appointments. When rumors of war began to brew, Libertania immediately looked at point totals and choose a country strong in military to ally with. Ideological alliances were not at the forefront of Libertania’s strategy. Libertanian women were concerned about slavery and conditions of women in other countries, but were more concerned about our own country progressing economically. Once Libertania was in a strong economic state , then it could use diplomats to bring their political beliefs to the continent. Outside sources, such as the World Council, at first glance thought Libertania had diplomatic failures. However, it was the complete opposite. Libertania was able to move forward through diplomatic treaties. For example, counties such as Crock gave Libertania hundreds of point totals in exchange for signing an ecological preserve pact to protect the Vastlands. Libertania gave up claims to both Land disputes which to outsides seemed to be foolish, costly mistakes. Conversely, they were ingenious maneuvers which allowed Libertania to collect more points. Other countries were delighted to trade us hundreds of point totals for a piece of land that would only yield a couple hundred points.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Urine Therapy :: Health Medicine Papers

Urine Therapy At the end of the winter of 1996, something historic occurred. During that February in India, the First World Conference on Urine Therapy took place. Scholars around the world gathered together to discuss the age-old practice of "urine therapy." Although urine therapy had been around for thousands of years, it had fallen into obscurity over the last century. Now, urine therapy was officially back in business. So what exactly was this alternative practice that dealt with one’s own bodily fluid? And how does it help? What are the claims of effectiveness? What does the scientific and medical world have to say about it? How does it work? Does it work? These, were the questions that demanded discussion. What is urine therapy? The basic definition of "urine therapy" is using (your own) urine internally or externally as a way to aid or sustain your health. Urine therapy, which includes drinking, injecting, massaging with-, and/or bathing in- urine, is an ancient practice that is used today, not only in times of sickness, but also in times of good health for preventive health maintenance. It has been claimed to have proven helpful in a great number of varying illnesses, ranging from a simple cold and a throat-ache, to tuberculosis and asthma, from minor skin problems such as itching to major skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis and even skin cancer. But you probably ask, "How can your own urine benefit your health? Besides, isn’t it toxic?" Urine as a lifesaver: During the NBC Nightly News on October 16, 1992, Tom Brokaw reported that, "In Egypt, rescue workers found a 37-year old man alive in earthquake rubble. He survived almost 82 hours by drinking his own urine. His wife, daughter and mother would not and they died" ( ). We’ve all heard stories of individuals who have either lived or died by being trapped in places without food or water for days. In those stories, the survivors were always the ones that drank their own urine. The ones that died probably could not overcome the misguided thoughts that urine is an unhealthy waste product of the body. But it’s not; urine is simply a substance that the body does not need at the time, and a substance that the body secretes. And sometimes, it’s a lifesaver. What’s in urine? Urine, 95% of which is water, 2.5% of which is urea, and 2.5% of which is a mixture of minerals, salts, hormones, and enzymes, is not a toxic waste product.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Pros And Cons Of Agricultural Genetic Modification Environmental Sciences Essay

During the twelvemonth 2001 to 2003, there were four companies named ProdiGene, Monsanto, Hawaii Agriculture Research Center and Garst seed who had planted genetically modified maize and sugar cane on certain locations in Hawaii. These harvests were genetically modified to bring forth workss which would incorporate endocrines, vaccinums or proteins which could be used to handle certain human diseases. These companies had licenses to works genetically modified sugar cane and maize from the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service ( APHIS ) to carry on limited field trials of these genetically engineered pharmaceutical bring forthing works assortments ( GEPPVs ) on Kauai, Maui, Molokai and Oahu in Hawaii. The purpose of these companies was to bring forth genetically modified maize or sugar cane to bring forth experimental vaccinums for the intervention of Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( HIV ) or for bring forthing cancer-fighting agents. The li censes of these companies have expired and they are non seting harvests since so. The instance was filed by Center for nutrient safety, Kahea, Friends of the Earth Inc. , and Pesticide Action Network North America, Plaintiffs against Mike Johanns, Secretary, USDA ; William T. Hawks, Under Secretary of Agriculture for Marketing and Regulatory Programs ; Bobby R. Acord, Deputy Administrator, USDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service and Cindy Smith, Deputy Administrator, USDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Biotechnology Regulatory Services Program, Defendants. Plaintiffs claimed that the Defendant had violated National Environmental Policy ( NEPA ) and the Endangered Species Act ( EPA ) [ 1 ] . Key Issue The cardinal issue in the instance is that USDA had illicitly approved field tests to bring forth drugs from genetically modified harvests such as maize and sugar cane. USDA had failed to see the effects to jeopardize species in Hawaii every bit good as the without sing any environmental reappraisal which falls under National Environmental Policy Act ( NEPA ) , Endangered species Act ( ESA ) and Plant Protection Act ( PPA ) [ 1 ] . Endangered Species Act ( ESA ) The Endangered species act was introduced by the Congress in the twelvemonth 1973 in USA. The act was formed because many of the workss and animate beings were on the brink of going nonextant. The chief work of ESA is to protect the endangered species and the ecosystem on which they depend. ESA is administered by the Interior section ‘s U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ( FWS ) and the Commerce Department ‘s National Marine Fisheries Service ( NMFS ) . FWS is responsible for tellurian and fresh H2O being whereas NMFS is concerned with marine wildlife [ 2 ] . One of the policies of the ESA Act ( 16 U.S.C.1531 ) is to guarantee that â€Å" all the Federal sections and bureaus shall seek to conserve endangered species and threatened species. † The ESA requires the undermentioned â€Å" Each Federal Agency shall bespeak of the Secretary ( of the inside ) information whether any species which is listed or proposed to be listed ( as an endangered species or a threatened sp ecies ) may be present in the country of such proposed action. If the secretary advises, based on the best scientific and commercial information available, that such species possibly present, such bureau shall carry on a biological appraisal for the intent of placing any endangered species or threatened species which is likely to be affected by such action. † ( 16.U.S.C 1536 ( degree Celsius ) ( 1 ) ; 50 C.F.R 402.12 ( degree Celsius ) ) . This means that whenever an bureau which decides to take â€Å" action † which means transporting out any new plan or activity, the peculiar bureau should take a list from either FWS or NMFS to happen out about the endangered species which are present in that peculiar geographic country. Besides, ( 450 F.3D at 457 ) † if FWS determines that listed species may be present in the affected country, the bureau fixing to move must bring forth a ‘biological appraisal ‘ in conformity with the NEPA. If the biological appraisa l concludes that listed species are in fact likely to be adversely affected, the bureau normally must come in ‘formal audience ‘ with FWS. â€Å" [ 1 ] . National Environmental Policy Act The National Environmental Policy Act ( NEPA ) [ 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq. ] was signed on January 1, 1970. The act states that â€Å" each individual should bask a healthful environment and that each individual has a duty to lend to the saving and sweetening of the environment. † It provides procedures for implementing the end of protecting, maintain and heightening the environment within the federal bureaus. NEPA besides holds all the federal bureaus responsible for their actions on the natural environment. ( 42 U.S.C.4332 ) .NEPA besides establishes the act on Council on Environmental Quality ( CEQ ) which has laid down certain ordinances which requires all bureaus to follow before moving on it ( 42 U.S.C4342 ; 40 C.F.R ) . â€Å" The CEQ ordinances requires bureaus to fix an â€Å" environmental appraisal ( EA ) † and/or an â€Å" environmental impact statement ( EIS ) † before moving, except in limited fortunes. ( 40 C.F.R.1501.3,1501.4 ) . An EIS is a â€Å" elaborate written statement as required by † NEPA, and an EA is â€Å" a concise public papers † that an bureau prepares when make up one's minding whether it needs to fix a more extended EIS. † ( 40 C.F.R.1508.9, 1508.11 ) [ 1 ] . The NEPA procedure evaluates the environmental effects which is undertaken by a federal bureau. There are 3 ways of analysing whether a peculiar project could impact the environment. They are: â€Å" Categorical exclusion finding † – an undertaking possibly excluded from a elaborate environmental analysis as it does non hold a important impact on the environment [ 3 ] . â€Å" Preparation of an environmental assessment/finding of no important impact ( EA/FONSI ) † – the federal bureau writes a study whether a peculiar project would hold any impact on the environment. If that is non the instance, the bureau issues â€Å" a determination of no important impact ( FONSI ) . â€Å" [ 3 ] . â€Å" Preparation of Environmental Impact Statement ( EIS ) † – if the EA finds out that a peculiar project will impact the environment so an EIS is prepared which would give a elaborate rating of the action and the options.After a concluding EIS is prepared and one time the determination is taken, the federal bureau will do the record populace [ 3 ] . Plant Protection Act ( PPA ) The works protection Act ( PPA ) ( 7 U.S.C.7701 et seq ) was formed in the twelvemonth 2000 in order to â€Å" observe, control, eradicate and suppress works plagues and noxious weeds † . The Secretary of Agriculture has the authorization to do official ordinances either to forestall the debut or the spread of works plagues. ( 7 U.S.C.7702 ( 16 ) ,7711 ( a ) ) [ 4 ] . Administrative Procedure Act ( APA ) APA is the jurisprudence under which federal regulative organic structures such as FDA and EPA come under. The regulations and ordinances are created by APA which are necessary to be implemented and major legislative Acts of the Apostless such as the Food Drug and Cosmetic act, Clean Air Act or Occupational Health and Safety Act [ 5 ] . Sequence of Events The complainants had argued that APHIS broke the jurisprudence in publishing the licenses to the four companies – ProdiGene, Monsanto, HARC and Garst Seed to carry on field tests of GEPPVs in assorted locations in Hawaii. It was besides argued that that the consequence of the GE harvests could pollenate with bing nutrient harvests and thereby, can do the taint of the nutrient supply. It was besides argued by complainants that the animate beings which eat this maize would go bearers of experimental pharmaceutical merchandises which can do the spread of the experimental vaccinums, proteins and endocrines. It was put forth that APHIS had to measure the environmental impact of these genetically engineered harvests before the licenses were issued. APHIS nevertheless disagreed with the statements put forth by complainant and said that it had placed rigorous status on the licenses to guarantee that GM harvests ( maize and sugar cane ) would non pollute the environment. It was found i n the administrative records that there were no findings or decisions made specifically sing â€Å" categorical exclusions or exclusions to those exclusion for intent of following with NEPA. † Besides, no records were found bespeaking that APHIS had considered that anything could impact the endangered or threatened species of Hawaii. On December 16,2002, the complainants had submitted a request on GEPPVs to APHIS saying â€Å" Promulgate New GEPPV ordinances, Undertake a Programmatic EIS for GEPPVs, Change bing CBI and FOIA policies and ordinance, Create a publically available field trial misdemeanors database, and establish an immediate moratorium on certain plantings † . On March 10,2003 APHIS had asked for public sentiment on its giving permission for field testing of genetically modified workss to bring forth pharmaceutical merchandises. The response received from people and organisation ( who chiefly opposed the construct of GEPPVs ) and sent it as a missive on Ap ril 17,2003 as a response to the request by complainants. The tribunal asked for a auxiliary briefing to happen out whether APHIS had done anything in reponse to Plaintiffs Petition. The briefing showed that it had ( 1 ) published a notice of purpose ( NOI ) in the federal registry on January 23, 2004 to â€Å" fix an EIS in connexion with possible alterations to the ordinances sing the importing, interstate motion, and environmental release of certain genetically modified being † ; ( 2 ) made a bill of exchange EIS which is presently being reviewed by USDA and other governmental bureaus and ( 3 ) it has put up many cyberspace pages giving information about GEPPVs allowing [ 1 ] . Plaintiffs filed their ailment in November 2003 and their first amended ailment in February,2004. The Biotechnology Industry Organization ( BIO ) – a non-profit-making organisation which represents over 1000 biotechnology companies- filed a impression to step in in April 2004. The Magistrate justice Barry Kurren granted in portion and denied in portion BIO ‘s petition. The suspects had filed several impressions to disregard BIO ‘s intercession which the justice Ezra denied in written orders dated January 26,2005, March 2, 2005 and July 18, 2005. On August 1,2005 the Plaintiffs filed a Second Amended Complaint. The tribunal heard the statements of the Plaintiffs and the Defendants on July,7 2006. In the 2nd amended ailment, the complainants alleged that â€Å" ( 1 ) APHIS violated NEPA and ESA in publishing the licenses to the four companies ( 2 ) APHIS violated NEPA and ESA in implementing its GEPPV plan ( 3 ) APHIS violated the PPA and the APA in neglecting to re act to its request. â€Å" [ 1 ] . After more than two and a half old ages of hearing the statements between the two parties, the gesture sum-up was heard on July 7, 2006. The tribunal foremost examined the Plaintiffs ‘ claims that four licenses were issued to the companies violates ESA. The tribunal granted judgement in favour of the Plaintiffs. Second, the Plaintiffs claims against APHIS that it violated NEPA in publishing the licenses were discussed and the judgement was given in favour of the Plaintiffs. In the 3rd claim which said that APHIS violated NEPA and ESA in developing and implementing this GEPPV plan. Since, neither the Plaintiffs or the Defendants have put forth their statements clearly with regard to their claims. The tribunal had withheld hearing refering to this claim and had asked all the parties involved to organize a 15 page brief which would discourse the redresss which would be disposed for the order. These Jockey shortss were filed on August 17,2006. The antiphonal Jockey shortss were giv en by all the parties by grand 21,2006. The tribunal heard the statement on August 22, 2006. Finally, the tribunal examined Plaintiffs ‘ claims that APHIS acted â€Å" randomly and freakishly † in denying their first request which was given on December 16,2002. To this request the tribunal granted judgement in favour of the Defendants. Based on the hearings, the tribunal â€Å" GRANTS IN PARTS and DENIES IN PART the Plaintiffs ‘ Motion for drumhead judgement and it GRANTS IN PART and DENIES IN PART the Defendants ‘ gesture for drumhead judgement. â€Å" [ 1 ] . Decision The breach occurred because APHIS, USDA did non look into the affects that a genetically modified harvest could hold on the environment. AHIS had violated both the NEPA act and the ESA act. If things had gone incorrectly, transverse pollenation could hold taken topographic point between the GE maize and the non-GE maize which would hold resulted in the taint of nutrient supply. Furthermore, if animate beings which were already endangered or threatened species, would hold fed on the GE harvest they would hold been transporting the experimental pharmaceutical merchandises which could turn out fatal. the lone manner to forestall the breach is to do certain that the federal bureaus like USDA look farther into any new project. They should do certain that the licenses they issue do non impact the environment in any manner. Furthermore, if they are publishing a license in a zone where endangered species exist, the guidelines should be stricter and a eventuality program should be made in ins tance something goes incorrect. In my sentiment, genetically modified harvests should be grown in entire isolation where there is no possibility of any taint of non-genetically modified harvests. GM harvests should non be allowed to be grown in countries where there are endangered or threatened species. Drumhead USDA had given the licenses to four companies – Garst Seed, Monsanto, ProdiGene and Hawaii Agriculture Research Center- to works genetically modified maize and sugar cane on several locations in Hawaii. The companies had genetically engineered maize and sugar cane to bring forth workss which would incorporate endocrines, vaccinums or proteins which could be used to handle human diseases. Center for nutrient safety et Al. filed a request against Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services ( APHIS ) , United States Agriculture Department ( USDA ) that it had illicitly given licenses to these four companies without sing the danger affects of these harvests can hold on the Hawaii ecosystems particularly on the Hawaii ‘s 329 endangered and threatened species. APHIS was charged for go againsting both ESA and NEPA by the Plaintiffs [ 1 ] . Besides, the pharmaceutical merchandises such as endocrines, vaccinums, and malignant neoplastic disease contending agents pose a danger to the human wellness every bit good as the environment. It may let go of unwanted substances into the air, H2O or dirt, taint of non-GE harvests may happen and it can even present menace to the economic support of conventional husbandmans, merely in instance taint of nutrient harvests occur. On July 7,2006 the tribunal heard the statements put Forth by both the parties. Judge Seabright of the Federal tribunal territory for the territory tribunal of Hawaii held that USDA had violated the ESA by non making even a individual probe about the danger the genetically modified harvests could hold done to the 329 endangered species in Hawaii. USDA was besides found guilty of go againsting with NEPA for allowing the licenses without carry oning even a individual environmental reappraisal. Judge Seabright said â€Å" APHIS ‘s arrant neglect for this si mple probe demand [ under the ESA ] , particularly given the extraordinary figure of endangered species and threatened workss and animate beings in Hawaii, constitutes an univocal misdemeanor of a clear congressional authorization. † This instance was the first of all time tribunal opinion on the genetically engineered harvests, which stated that field testing of genetically engineered harvests is hazardous and the bureaus must follow with the bing environmental protection Torahs. The determination by the tribunal had made it clear that USDA has to see the impacts genetically engineered harvests can hold on the endangered species and on the environment [ 6 ] . I recommend that henceforth, any new project which involves the production of fresh harvests, should be done merely after reexamining all the impacts the harvest could hold on the environment or the ecosystem.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Lyric Poetry Red Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift's song â€Å"Red† is very joyful even though her words are sometimes gloomy because she misses what she use to have. She is speaking about someone who she can not forget because of all the good memories they have with each other. Taylor Swift ‘s use of similes, imagery and alliteration in her song â€Å"Red† helps portray the good and bad about loving someone that is not around any more. Taylor Swifts uses similes through out her writing to make you feel her happiness and struggles. â€Å"Loving him is like driving a new maserati down a dead end street,† tells you that happiness was damaging her relationship.It be great to have a maserati just to have it, with no where to go but, it is hurting our earth. Loving him was unnecessary so it ended up hurting her. When Swift says, â€Å"Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words to your old favorite song,† she shows how much she misses having this person around. When a song stops play ing for a while but, then it comes on again and the mind still remembers all the words its like an old friend popping back into the mind. When the mind remembers someone they loved all of the good and bad memories with that person can be stuck in the head.Taylor Swift's similes are very meaningful and can make you feel mixed emotions. Imagery is used many different times through out the song and gives a dark but still happy mood. â€Å"Missing him was dark grey all alone,† is very depressing because this person is gone. Now she is lonely because she feels like she is stuck in the dark all lone. Taylor Swift also says, â€Å"Losing him was blue like I never known. † This is very gloomy because it is the saddest she has ever been. She did not even know she could feel this terrible. When she says, â€Å"Loving him was Red,† it make the song much happier.It gives off this bright, cheerful mood saying even though she felt terrible after the relationship the time she had loving him was worth it. The way Taylor Swift uses imagery makes the reader feel her pain. Taylor Swift also used alliteration in her writing to emphasize certain words. When Swift says,† Cause love was like driving a new maserati down a dead and street,† lots of focus is drawn to the words â€Å"driving,† â€Å"down,† and â€Å"dead. † She felt like this relationship was dyeing and was going down hill. In the quote â€Å"Once you're already flying through the free fall,† the words flying,† â€Å"free,† and â€Å"fall,† stand out. She feels like she has fallen head over heels and could not stop loving this person even if she wanted to. Swift wanted those words to stand out so the reader felt her passion. Taylor Swfit's use of alliteration helps the reader understands how strong her feelings are for this person. Taylor Swift used so many poetic elements to help the reader feel many different emotions. She used a variety of similes, imagery, and alliteration through out her writing. Taylor Swift's writing lets the reader into her head and rollercoaster of emotions.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Thoughts of Carl Jung Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Thoughts of Carl Jung - Essay Example Carl Gustav Jung was born in 1875 on the Swiss shore of Lake Constance to Paul and Emilie Jung, a village pastor and the youngest daughter of a famous-but-eccentric theologian (Stevens, 2001, p. 2). Jung's father died when he was still in school and, although his first career choice was that of a medical doctor, he was precluded from pursuing this career path due to the fact that he could not afford to do so; he opted instead, to go to work as an assistant at the Bergholzli asylum proximate to Zurich (Daniels, 2003, p. 24). He met and developed a friendship with Sigmund Freud, with whom he corresponded often until a series of philosophical and perceptive differences caused the break (Stevens, 2001, pp. 18-24). He married and had a family and, although seemingly happy with his wife Emma, nevertheless engaged in several well-documented affairs. After World War I, he spent much of his time traveling and writing much of the work we have today. He died in 1961. There are many aspects of Jung's life and experiences that can be seen in his subsequent work; so much so that they lie far beyond the scope of this paper. There are a few, however, that should be mentioned to provide context for the theories and his contribution to society which follow. The first is the environment in which Jung developed. In speaking of the period of time between the 1870s and 1930s, one author notes that "the major disciplinary and theoretical forms of modern psychology and psychotherapy were established" (Shamdasani, 2003, p. 10). It was in this culture of change and development that Jung went to school, spent nine years at the Bergholzli asylum, formed and broke his relationship with Freud, had his many dreams and near-psychotic breaks, and generally formed the foundations of his thinking. Many of his theories, three of which are named below, can be traced to this developmental era of re-thinking the philosophy and science of psychology. Another event in Jung's life that bears mention is his relationship with his mother. Specifically when, as a young boy who slept with his father (his parents kept separate bedrooms), she had a breakdown "for which she had to spend several months in the hospital, and this enforced separation at a critical stage in his development seems to have affected Jung for the rest of his life" (Stevens, 2001, p. 3). This maternal separation seemed to have had a great influence on his concept of "anima (the female complex in his unconscious)", and is cited as a possible reason for his numerous affairs as well as his apparent habit of surrounding himself with women (Stevens, 2001, pp. 26-27). A third influential event would have to be his six year correspondence and friendship with Sigmund Freud. As Jung developed from student to an independent thinker, he was often suppressed by Freud, particularly when his ideas expanded